Wednesday 15 October 2014

Waiting to hear about the operation, and then a big shock!

Having heard nothing for several weeks, I decided to call the hospital to see if they could give me any idea of when the operation might be, explaining that I really needed to plan for my business and I really needed a date.

Very surprisingly I was given the surgeon's personal mobile phone number.  I dialled the number, expecting to be diverted to his medical secretary, however, to my surprise, he answered it himself; sounded somewhat flummoxed, and said he would need to consult the hospital and get back to me.  I thanked him and hung up the phone.

I was quite concerned that they might spring this on me unexpectedly and send me a letter saying it was the next day.

Monday 6th October

Sitting in my study doing some invoices and suddenly Toby, my dog went bonkers - the postie.

My heart was racing as I opened the envelope and unfolded the small bundle of papers.

"A consultation has been arranged in the outpatients department treatment room on Tuesday 7th October 08:40".

Just as I had worried, it's tomorrow!

Then the next letter:

"Your admission will be on Saturday 11th October at 07:00"

Pre-op checks on Tuesday, operation on Saturday, and we're not even at the end of October.

I called the hospital to see if there had been a mistake, the receptionist said, "No, he's definitely got you down on the list for Saturday".  I said this was rather too soon, and what would happen if I asked to postpone it, she said they would not be able to guarantee when it would be put back to.  Needing to make a decision, I said ok lets get it done.

Talk about a flat what would happen with everything?  The business, insuring my assistant for the works van, how would I cope on crutches with my pets, walking the dog, shopping, feeding ourselves etc. it was all rather overwhelming to say the least.

The next few days I can say I was in a very strange place in life.  So many things to think about, so many plans and provisions to make.

I phoned my mum who lives in Middlesbrough, she said she could come through to look after me but not until Tuesday as she had several previous engagements.  This was worrying as my partner had just started a new secondment and would be at work on Monday.  From what I had read previously the worst days for recovery are the first and second day after surgery i.e. Sunday and Monday.

The lad who works for me is just 19, so I needed to insure him for my works van which is a 2 litre Ford Transit....I was worried how much this might cost so that would need doing before Monday morning.  All that and shopping for food, pet supplies, and everything else, including trying to get as much work done as possible to give my assistant a head start before going it alone for the first time, next Monday morning.

Tuesday 7th October 2014

Spire Hospital Leeds Outpatient treatment room.

I reported for pre-operation checks not knowing what to expect.

I was taken into a room and sat down expecting all kinds of prodding, poking, blood pressure tests etc.  To my pleasant surprise the nurse said all they were doing was checking to see if I was a carrier of MRSA.  A quick swab up the nose and one in the groin and I was sent on my way.  The nurse reassured me that I needn't worry because even if I was a carrier it would not affect my operation.

I rushed around like a loony making as many arrangements as possible.

Friday 10th October 2014

The night before no alcohol and nil-by-mouth after 03:00 are the instructions.  So stressed out that this is the night that I would love a few snifters!
Drank lots of water, had dinner around 21:30 (a big pizza called hot or not from the supermarket - very nice if a bit doughy).

Important note here: you will read (hopefully if you're still with me) that, despite going to hospital at 7am I don't go into surgery until 1430, absolutely starving and hypoglycaemic!

With hindsight, I would have had a substantial meal, much later in the night or early morning, probably midnight or after, so as to be not too washed out the next day.  Also have some slow release carbohydrate, instead of pappy white bread on a pizza...

Went to bed at 12pm though not to sleep was had whatsoever.

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